1 analog-to-digital transducer
1) Телекоммуникации: аналого-цифровой преобразователь2) Космонавтика: преобразователь непрерывных данных в дискретныеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > analog-to-digital transducer
2 analog-to-digital transducer
аналого-цифровой преобразователь, АЦПEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > analog-to-digital transducer
3 analog-to-digital transducer
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > analog-to-digital transducer
4 transducer
1) первичный измерительный преобразователь, датчик2) преобразователь ( формы сигнала)•- acoustic transducer
- active transducer
- all-pass transducer
- amperometric transducer
- analog transducer
- analog-to-digital transducer
- arithmetical-logical transducer
- autodyne transducer
- bender transducer
- bidirectional transducer
- call transducer
- capacitive transducer
- ceramic transducer
- contact transducer
- contactless transducer
- conversion transducer
- crystal transducer
- current transducer
- dc transducer
- demagnetizing wound transducer
- dependent transducer
- differential transducer
- digital transducer
- diode transducer
- direct-current transducer
- direct-voltage transducer
- double-step transducer
- electrical optical transducer
- electroacoustic transducer
- electromagnetic transducer
- electronic transducer
- electrostatic transducer
- fiber-optic transducer
- generator transducer
- half-wave transducer
- Hall-effect transducer
- harmonic-conversion transducer
- ideal transducer
- independent transducer
- induction power regulator transducer
- inductive pressure transducer
- input signal transducer
- interdigital transducer
- ionizing transducer
- IR emission-to-pulse transducer
- key transducer
- light-to-signal transducer
- line transducer
- linear transducer
- load transducer
- magnetic pressure transducer
- magnetometric transducer
- magnetostatic transducer
- magnetostrictive transducer
- measuring transducer
- mechanic transducer
- microphone transducer
- mode transducer
- multiinterrupt transducer
- multiphase transducer
- nonreversive transducer
- optical-electric transducer
- orthomode transducer
- parametric transducer
- passive transducer
- photoelectric transducer
- piezoelectric transducer
- p-n junction transducer
- p-n transducer
- polar inverting transducer
- position transducer
- potentiometric transducer
- power transducer
- pulse transducer
- pulse-width modulator transducer
- reactive power measuring transducer
- real transducer
- receiving transducer
- reciprocal transducer
- rectifier transducer
- reducing transducer
- resistance transducer
- resistive transducer
- reverse step transfer transducer
- reversible transducer
- rheostat transducer
- rising transducer
- second-step transfer transducer
- signal potential transducer
- single-interrupt transducer
- single-step inverter transducer
- single-step transducer
- sound transducer
- speed transducer
- split transducer
- telemetric transducer
- thermal electric transducer
- thermal magnetic transducer
- thermal sensitive transducer
- thyristor transducer
- transformer-decoupled transducer
- transistor transducer
- transmitting transducer
- two-channel transducer
- ultrasonic transducer
- underwater sound transducer
- unidirectional transducer
- unilateral transducer
- valve-engine transducer
- variable speed-to-frequency transducer
- vibration transducer
- voltage transducer
- voltage-to-code transducer
- voltage-to-frequency transducer
- voltaic transducer
- weighted transducer
- weighted-response transducerEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > transducer
5 transducer
преобразователь; датчик; приёмник; вибратор; генератор -
6 transducer
= xdcr2) (первичный) измерительный преобразователь, датчик, проф. сенсор•- acoustic transducer
- acoustical-electrical transducer
- active transducer
- all-pass transducer
- altimeter transducer
- analog transducer
- apodized transducer
- bender transducer
- bidirectional transducer
- bilateral transducer
- bioelectric transducer
- capacitance displacement transducer
- capacitance-type transducer
- ceramic transducer
- circular-plate transducer
- closed transducer
- complementary Golay-coded transducer
- concave transducer
- conversion transducer
- crystal transducer
- dc transducer
- differential transducer
- digital transducer
- digital telephone transducer
- displacement transducer
- dissymmetrical transducer
- double-finger transducer
- dual-mode transducer
- dummy-finger interdigital transducer
- echo-ranging transducer
- edge-bonded transducer
- electret transducer
- electric transducer
- electroacoustic transducer
- electrochemical transducer
- electromechanical transducer
- electrooptical transducer
- electrostatic transducer
- force transducer
- half-wave transducer
- harmonic conversion transducer
- heterodyne conversion transducer
- hydroacoustic transducer
- ID transducer
- implantable transducer
- inductive transducer
- integrated transducer
- interdigital transducer
- laminated transducer
- light-electricity transducer
- linear transducer
- linear-modulation-function interdigital transducer
- LMF interdigital transducer
- load transducer
- log-periodic transducer
- magnetic transducer
- magnetoelectric transducer
- magnetoresistive transducer
- magnetostatic-wave transducer
- magnetostriction transducer - metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor transducer
- MIPS transducer
- mode transducer
- mosaic transducer
- multiport transducer
- nonreciprocal transducer
- nonsymmetrical transducer
- open-circuited microstrip magnetostatic-wave transducer
- orthomode transducer
- parallel-movement piezoelectric transducer
- passive transducer
- phase-weighted transducer
- photoelectric transducer
- piezoelectric transducer
- piezoelectric film transducer
- piezoelectric flexure transducer
- piezoelectric shear transducer
- piezoelectric thickness transducer
- piezoelectric width transducer
- p-n transducer
- p-n junction transducer
- potentiometric transducer
- pressure transducer
- quarter-wave transducer
- reciprocal transducer
- recording transducer
- reproducing transducer
- reversible transducer
- ring transducer
- sandwich transducer
- SAW transducer
- shear-mode transducer
- shorted-microstrip magnetostatic-wave transducer
- sonar transducer
- split transducer
- surface-acoustic-wave transducer
- surface-to-surface-wave transducer
- surface-to-volume-wave transducer
- symmetrical transducer
- thermoelectric transducer
- thin-film transducer
- torque transducer
- tuning-fork transducer
- two-port transducer
- ultrasonic transducer
- unapodized transducer
- underwater sound transducer
- unidirectional transducer
- uniform-overlap interdigital transducer
- unilateral transducer
- unweighted transducer
- velocity transducer
- volume-to-surface-wave transducer
- volume-to-volume-wave transducer
- wedge transducer
- weighted transducer -
7 transducer
acoustic current-speed transducer
acoustic transducer
active transducer
adsorption transducer
all-pass transducer
analog transducer
bidirectional transducer
bimorph transducer
built force transducer
capacitance transducer
capacitance-based dimensional transducer
capacitive transducer
ceramic transducer
conversion transducer
crystal transducer
current transducer
dc transducer
differential transducer
differential transformer transducer
digital transducer
displacement transducer
dummy-finger interdigital transducer
echo-ranging transducer
electric transducer
electroacoustic transducer
electrochemical transducer
electromagnetic transducer
electromechanical transducer
electrooptical transducer
electropneumatic transducer
electrostatic transducer
flutter transducer
force transducer
Hall-effect transducer
Hall transducer
inductance transducer
in-process transducer
integrated transducer
interdigital transducer
light-electricity transducer
linear displacement transducer
linear transducer
magnetic transducer
magnetoresistive transducer
magnetostriction transducer
measuring transducer
mechanical motion transducer
mechanical transducer
mechanical-electric transducer
mode transducer
moving-coil transducer
multicomponent force transducer
multiphase transducer
noncontact transducer
orthomode transducer
passive transducer
photoelectric transducer
piezoelectric flexure transducer
piezoelectric shear transducer
piezoelectric thickness transducer
piezoelectric transducer
ping transducer
p-n junction transducer
p-n transducer
position transducer
potentiometric transducer
power transducer
pressure transducer
pulse transducer
pyroelectric transducer
resistance transducer
reversible transducer
screw-setting transducer
sonar transducer
sonic transducer
speed transducer
strain gage transducer
stress transducer
surface-acoustic-wave transducer
thermoelectric transducer
torque measuring transducer
torque transducer
tubular transducer
tuning-fork transducer
ultrasonic transducer
underwater transducer
unidirectional transducer
unweighted-response transducer
unweighted transducer
variable reluctance transducer
velocity transducer
vibration transducer
weighted-response transducer
weighted transducer -
8 digital-to-analog transducer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > digital-to-analog transducer
9 digital-to-analog transducer
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > digital-to-analog transducer
10 digital-to-analog transducer
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > digital-to-analog transducer
11 conversion
1) превращение
2) конверсионный
3) конвертирование
4) перевод
5) переводной
6) преобразование
7) переход
8) пересчет
9) обращение
10) обращенный
11) переделка
12) претворение
13) переоборудование
14) конверсия
15) переходный
– analog-to-digital conversion
– channel conversion
– code conversion
– conversion electron
– conversion factor
– conversion frequency
– conversion line
– conversion ratio
– conversion table
– conversion time
– conversion to a magnet
– conversion transconductance
– data conversion
– fractional conversion
– mode conversion
– on conversion to
heterodyne conversion transducer — <tech.> преобразователь гетеродинный
line-scan conversion unit — преобразователь строчного стандарта
12 unit
единица; агрегат; узел; блок; ( войсковая) часть, подразделение; удельныйair support signal unit — Бр. подразделение связи авиационной поддержки
aircraft torpedo development unit — Бр. подразделение по испытанию и усовершенствованию авиационных торпед
air-sea warfare development unit — подразделение разработки приёмов борьбы авиации с кораблями противника
angular rate control unit — блок двухстепенных [прецессионных] гироскопов
auxiliary takeoff rocket unit — ракетный стартовый ускоритель [ускоритель взлета]
combat crew training unit — часть [подразделение] подготовки боевых экипажей
hose(-drum, -reel) unit — шланговый агрегат (системы дозаправки топливом)
jet assisted takeoff unit — реактивный ускоритель взлета; ркт. стартовый двигатель
long-range combat air unit — часть [подразделение] бомбардировочной авиации; подразделение истребителей-бомбардировщиков дальнего действия
main unit of landing gear — главная но: га шасси
monitor and equalization display unit — блок контроля и индикации рассогласования подсистем (резервированной системы)
range temperature control unit — дв. всережимный регулятор по температуре воздуха
rocket assisted takeoff unit — ракетный ускоритель взлета; ркт. стартовый двигатель
rudder artificial feel unit — механизм загрузки [усилий] руля направления
spotting and reconnaissance unit — корректировочно-разведывательная часть [подразделение]
vertical gyro control unit — гиродатчик вертикали; матка авиагоризонта
— I/O unit— jatounit— jet unit -
13 system
1) система2) установка; устройство•- 2D design system
- 2-D draughting system
- 2D milling CAM system
- 3 nonsimultaneous axes control system
- 3D CAD system
- 3D design system
- 3D milling CAM system
- 3-D surface-modeling system
- 3-D system
- abrasive waterjet cutting system
- absolute control system
- absolute dimension measuring system
- accident-protection system
- accountancy system
- accounting data system
- ACO system
- acoustic feedback control system
- acquisition system
- active enclosure system
- adaptable system
- adaptive CNC system
- adaptive control constraint system
- adaptive control system
- adaptive pulsing system
- adaptive robot system
- add-on NC programming system
- administrative information data system
- administrative information system
- ADR system
- advanced command data system
- advanced data analysis system
- advanced data display system
- advanced display system
- advanced integrated data system
- advanced interactive debugging system
- advanced management information system
- advisory system
- AGV system
- air flotation system
- air-bearing system
- air-cooling system
- air-delivery system
- air-gaging system
- airlock system
- air-oil mist lubrication system
- air-plasma arc-profiling system
- air-purge system
- alarm system
- all-enveloping guard system
- analog computing system
- analog recording system
- angstrom-positioning system
- antideflection system
- antilock brake system
- antisag system
- application-specific system
- APT generating expert system
- Archimedes system
- array system
- AS/RS system
- assembly management system
- assembly system
- attitude display system
- autolube system
- automated communications and messages processing system
- automated design and optimization of control system
- automated design system
- automated digital design system
- automated industrial management system
- automated information data system
- automated information dissemination system
- automated information retrieval system
- automated inventory distribution system
- automated machining system
- automated management information system
- automated management system
- automated measuring system
- automated parts input-output system
- automated reliability and maintenance management system
- automated storage control system
- automatic alignment-and-centering system
- automatic call distribution system
- automatic CAM system
- automatic chuck-changing system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic data distribution system
- automatic data system
- automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system
- automatic display plotting system
- automatic distributive numerical control system
- automatic fixturing system
- automatic gaging-and-compensating system
- automatic measurement-and-compensation system
- automatic message accounting system
- automatic message distribution system
- automatic pallet storage/retrieval system
- automatic program transfer system
- automatic record evaluation system
- automatic telemetry system
- automatic test analysis system
- automatic test system
- automatic testing, evaluating and reporting system
- automatic tool cassette changer system
- automatic tool retraction system
- automatic tool retraction/correction/reentry system
- automatic tool wear/tool broken sensing system
- automatically taught system
- automation system
- autonomous system
- autopatch system
- AWS system
- axis drive system
- axis motor system
- axis-stopping system
- backlash-free friction system
- back-to-back system
- balance system
- balanced system of forces
- balanced system
- bar feed system
- bar pulling system
- bar pusher system
- barring coding system
- base coordinate system
- base data system
- base file system
- base operating information system
- basic disk operating system
- basic hole system
- basic input/output system
- basic NC system
- basic programming system
- basic shaft system
- batching system
- batch-machining system
- battery system
- BCC management information system
- beam delivery system
- belt turnover system
- belt twist system
- binary system
- binary vision system
- biped robotic system
- block-tool system
- block-type tool change system
- bonded stores system
- boring system
- bought-in control system
- brake system
- branch information system
- breakaway system
- breathing system
- broad system of ordering
- BTA deep-hole-drilling system
- BTA-style deep-hole-drilling system
- bug-free system
- building block system
- bulk system
- business information system
- buy-and-plug-in system
- C/C system
- cable and hose carrying system
- CAD access system
- CAD system
- CAD/CAM system
- CAD/CAM/CAE and product data management system
- CAD/CAM/CAE system
- CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- CADAR system
- CAD-integrating system
- CAD-only system
- CAE system
- CAE/CAD/CAM system
- CAG system
- CAM system
- cam-and-lever system
- capacitance-based measuring system
- CAPP system
- capture system
- carrierband system
- cart/pallet transfer system
- Cartesian coordinate system
- cassette jaw-change system
- cell control system
- cell management system
- cell-type system
- cellular manufacturing system
- central analog data distributing and controlling system
- central automatic message accounting system
- central storage system
- centralized control system
- centralized coolant and extractor system
- centralized swarf conveying system
- centralized swarf removal system
- chain conveyor system
- check system
- checking system
- checkout system
- chiller system
- chip conveyor system
- chip guard system
- chip-evacuation system
- chuck/chuck jaw changing system
- chucking system
- chuck-jaw system
- chuck-loading system
- CIM system
- circular monitoring system
- circular part-processing system
- circulating lubrication system
- circulating oil system
- circulation system
- clamping system
- closed cooling system
- closed loop control system
- closed loop machine control system
- closed loop size control system
- closed loop system
- closed-proprietary system
- CM system
- CNC hardware system
- CNC machine tool system
- CNC programming system
- CNC system
- CNC transfer system
- CNC-ACC system
- CNC-control system
- coherent system of units
- collecting system
- collet pad top jaw system
- combined cooling system
- combined production system
- command-line NC system
- commercial vision system
- communication system
- companion system
- comprehensive power measurement system
- computer analysis and design system
- computer automation real-time operating system
- computer data communication system
- computer NC system
- computer system
- computer vision system
- computer-aided design support system
- computer-aided dispatch system
- computer-aided gaging system
- computer-aided programming system
- computer-aided telemetry system
- computer-aided test system
- computer-assisted command system
- computer-assisted message processing system
- computer-assisted microfilm retrieval system
- computer-assisted operation sequence planning system
- computer-automated machine-tool system
- computer-automated test system
- computer-based management system
- computer-based message system
- computer-controlled materials-handling system
- computer-controlled system
- computer-coordinated measuring system
- computer-directed swing-arm tool-changing system
- computer-driven control system
- computer-hosted manufacturing system
- computer-integrated manufacturing system
- computer-integrated system
- computerized information retrieval system
- computerized machine control system
- computerized manufacturing system
- computerized numerical control system
- computerized production control system
- computerized shopfloor data collection system
- computer-oriented production management system
- computer-oriented system
- computing system
- concurrent force system
- conductor system
- conservative system
- constant delivery system
- constant volume system
- constant-contact scanning system
- constraint satisfaction system
- continuous feedback control system
- continuous flow system
- continuous-path CNC system
- continuous-path control system
- contouring control system
- contouring system
- controlled path system
- controlling system
- conventional ACC system
- conversational analysis and drafting system
- conveying system
- conveyor system
- conveyoring system
- conveyorized work-handling system
- coolant clarification system
- coolant laundering system
- coolant mist system
- coolant recirculating system
- coolant recovery system
- coolant recycling system
- coolant supply system
- coolant-circulating system
- coolant-thru-body system
- cooling system
- coordinate drive system
- coordinate system
- coprocessor board system
- copymill control system
- corporate information and office system
- coupling system
- CPS system
- CRT control system
- CRT system
- customer-oriented system
- customized FMS control system
- cut-piece transfer system
- cycloidal tooth system
- data base management system
- data communication system
- data control system
- data input management system
- data management system
- data origination system
- data processing system
- data retrieval system
- data transfer system
- datum system for geometrical tolerancing
- datum system
- DDM system
- decentralized DNC system
- decision enabling system
- decision support system
- dedicated production system
- deep-hole-drilling system
- defect-free machining system
- delivery system
- demand pull flexible system
- demand push flexible system
- departmental management system
- descaling system
- design coordinate system
- design support system
- design-automation system
- design-for-manufacturing system
- design-with-feature system
- desk-top publishing system
- deterministic system
- dexel-based system
- diagnostic communication control system
- diagnostic computer control system
- dialog system
- diamond-lapping system
- digital readout system
- digitizing system
- digitizing/data capture system
- dimensional verification system
- direct impingement starting system
- direct lubrication system
- direct NC system
- discrete-continuous system
- dispatcher system
- distributed computer system
- distributed mass-spring system
- distributed microprocessor system
- distributed processing system
- distributed quality system
- distributed system
- distributive numerical control system
- DNC flexible machining system
- DNC machine control system
- DNC machine tool control system
- DNC system
- DNC/FM system
- document processing system
- document retrieval system
- document search system
- domain-expert system
- Doppler system
- DOS CAM system
- double tube system
- dowel pin system
- DRO system
- drop-feed-lubrication system
- DTP system
- dual laser optical system
- dual laser referencing system
- dual system
- dual-beam LDDM system
- dual-pallet shuttle system
- dual-shaft electric propulsion system
- dynamic beam focusing laser system
- dynamic data system
- dynamic mapping system
- early warning system
- eddy current damper system
- edge-sensing system
- edge-type positioning system
- eight-station pallet system
- electrical contact tracing system
- electrofluidic control system
- emergency protection system
- enclosure system
- encoder checking system
- endpoint locating system
- energy-adaptive system
- energy-saving drive system
- engine starting system
- entry-level NC system
- environmental control system
- equivalent rigid link system
- equivalent systems of forces
- ESD system
- estimating system
- example-driven system
- expert control system
- expert process planning system
- expert system
- external box system
- extractor system
- fact retrieval system
- factory automation system
- fault detection system
- fault-signal system
- FBG system
- feasibility routing system
- feature-based CAM system
- feature-based system
- feed system
- feedback control system
- feedback gaging system
- feedback position control system
- feedback system
- feed-drive system
- feedforward compensatory control system
- feed-only AC system
- feed-overriding system
- FFS system
- file control system
- finite capacity scheduling system
- fixed coordinate system
- fixed-feature NC system
- fixed-rail system
- fixture design system
- fixture system
- fixturing system
- flanged pipe system
- flexible assembly system
- flexible automated manufacturing system
- flexible automation system
- flexible computer-controlled robotic system
- flexible fabricating system
- flexible fixturing system
- flexible handling system
- flexible laser optical system
- flexible laser system
- flexible lathe system
- flexible machine system
- flexible machining center system
- flexible machining system
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible NC system
- flexible press system
- flexible tooling system
- flexible transfer system
- flexible turning system
- flood coolant system
- flow-line production system
- flow-type manufacturing system
- fluid management system
- fluid power system
- flush-type cooling system
- fly system
- FMS operating system
- FMS/CAD/CAM system
- FMS-type production system
- force measurement system
- force sensory system
- force system
- force-sensing system
- forecasting system
- four-station pallet system
- four-tier quality system
- FROG navigation system
- FROG system
- full-blown system
- fully specified system
- gage system
- gaging computer system
- gaging-and-compensating system
- gantry loading system
- gantry-based turning system
- gantry-style motion system
- gas-turbine starting system
- gating system
- gear roller system
- gear system
- gear testing system
- general information retrieval system
- generative planning system
- generic control system
- generic messaging system
- generic system
- glass fiber system
- glazing system
- goal-seeking system
- graphic numerical control system
- graphic processing system
- graphics system
- graphics-oriented system
- grating measuring system
- gravity oil system
- gray scale imaging system
- grinder vision system
- group control system
- guarding system
- guidance system
- guiding system
- handling system
- handwriting-input system
- hard-automated system
- hardware NC system
- hardware support system
- head change system
- head changer system
- head-changing flexible manufacturing system
- help system
- hierarchical coding system
- hierarchical control system
- hierarchical information control system
- high-noise-immunity system
- high-rise system
- high-speed positioning system
- high-speed-processor control system
- high-volume system
- Hirth gear-tooth system
- holding system
- holding tool system
- hole system
- holonomic system
- host computer-assisted programming system
- host distributive numerical control system
- hybrid computing system
- hydraulic oil system
- hydraulic system
- hydraulic-circuit system
- hypertext system
- ID system
- IDNC system
- illumination system
- image detection system
- image processing system
- imaging system
- IMC system
- immersion-washing system
- inconsistent system of equations
- incremental measuring system
- index system
- indirect lubrication system
- individual lubrication system
- inductive telemetry system
- inductively guided cart system
- industrial vision system
- in-feed system
- inference system
- in-floor chip-disposal system
- information infrastructure system
- information logical system
- information processing system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information system
- information-gathering system
- information-management system
- information-sharing system
- infrared imaging system
- infrared system
- in-house minicomputer system
- in-house system
- inlet control system
- in-process gaging system
- in-process sensing system
- in-process storage system
- insert-selection system
- instrumentation system
- insulating system
- integral movement monitoring system
- integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- integrated CAM system
- integrated circuit numerical control system
- integrated computer system
- integrated information system
- integrated machine system
- integrated machining system
- integrated manufacturing and assembly system
- integrated manufacturing system
- integrated NC machine system
- integrated production system
- integrated sensor system
- intelligent control system
- interactive control system
- interactive graphics processing system
- interactive manufacturing control system
- interconnection system
- interdepartmental communication system
- interferometer measuring system
- interlocking system
- interrupt-driven system
- inventory-management system
- involute tooth system
- IR fault-signal system
- IR system
- ISO system of limits and tolerances
- isolated word recognition system
- jig boring measuring system
- job shop-type flexible system
- joint-actuation system
- just-in-time production system
- kanban pull system
- kinetic control system
- kitting system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based information system
- knowledge-based system
- krypton laser system
- labeling system
- labor-intensive system
- language-based NC system
- laser beam orientation system
- laser beam positioning system
- laser calibration system
- laser combination energy system
- laser digitizing system
- laser driving system
- laser full automated system
- laser inspection system
- laser interferometer measuring system
- laser machining system
- laser metalworking system
- laser micrometer system
- laser monitoring system
- laser mount system
- laser optical transformation system
- laser pulse power system
- laser pump system
- laser referencing system
- laser thread measurement system
- laser transducer system
- laser-cutting system
- laser-gaging system
- layered control system
- LDDM system
- lead screw drive system
- learning system
- library reference system
- library system
- light guide system
- light recognition system
- line motion control system
- line motion system
- line path system
- linear index system
- linear system of constant coefficients
- linear time invariant system
- linear time-varying system
- linear-encoder-equipped system
- LMFC system
- load/unload system
- loading robot system
- load-monitoring system
- local communications system
- logistics system
- look-up table system
- low-loss optical system
- low-volume lubricant delivery system
- lube system
- lubrication system with continuous delivery
- lubrication system with cyclic delivery
- lubrication system with performance control
- lubrication system without performance control
- lubrication system
- M system
- machine control system
- machine coordinate system
- machine health-monitoring system
- machine management system
- machine surveillance system
- machine tool capability-conditioning system
- machine tool system
- machine vision system
- machine/control system
- machine/tool/workpiece system
- machine-flexible system
- machine-zero reference system
- machining-cell system
- magnetic control system
- magnetic shaft suspension system
- main control system
- maintenance tracking system
- make-up system
- management control system
- management information system
- management system
- management-and-manufacturing system
- managerial reporting system
- man-computer system
- man-machine system
- man-plus-machine system
- manual data input system
- manual programming system
- manufacturing execution system
- manufacturing optimization system
- manufacturing software system
- manufacturing system
- many-degrees-of-freedom system
- many-variable system
- mass-elastic system
- master manufacturing control system
- master-slave control system
- material flow system
- material movement system
- material storage system
- materials-handling control system
- materials-handling system
- matrix array system
- matrix-type system
- MDI contouring control system
- MDI control system
- MDI NC system
- mean line system
- measurement/inspection system
- measuring coordinate system
- measuring system
- measuring/compensation system
- mechanical interface coordinate system
- memory NC system
- memory system
- menu drive system
- menu system
- menu-driven programming system
- metalforming production system with robots
- metalworking laser system
- metamorphic system
- metareasoning system
- metering system
- metrology system
- MIC system
- micro CAD/CAM programming system
- microadjustment system
- microchip-managed control system
- microdispensing system
- microintegrated system
- microload system
- micropackaged distributed system
- microprocessor based system
- microprocessor CNC system
- microprocessor system
- microprocessor-development system
- microstep control system
- microwave drill detection system
- milling CAM system
- milling system
- minicomputer-based numerical control system
- minicomputer-based system
- minicomputer-based test system
- miniload automated storage and retrieval system
- miniload system
- minimal constraint system
- minimum phase shift system
- mist-cooling system
- mixed forging-machining system
- mobility system
- model reference adaptive system
- moderately sized manufacturing system
- modular clamping system
- modular component tooling system
- modular fixture system
- modular holding system
- modular system
- modular tooling system
- modular work holding system
- monitoring system
- monorail material handling system
- motor position sensing system
- mounting system
- MPM system
- MRC system
- MRP system
- MS-DOS system
- multiaxis laser system
- multimachine system
- multimedia system
- multinetwork system
- multipallet system
- multiple computer system
- multiple laser technology system
- multiple pallet changer system
- multiple pallet handling system
- multiple parts feeding system
- multiple sensory system
- multiple spindle head handling-and-changing system
- multiple system of indexing
- multiple-gun spraying system
- multipoint lubrication system
- multipoint network control system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor NC system
- multiprocessor system
- multiproduct manufacturing system
- multiprofile tool system
- multiprogramming system
- multirobot system
- multisensor system
- multiserver queueing system
- multistage system
- multitasking control system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser system
- multivendor information system
- multiwindowing software system
- Nagare system
- narrowly defined expert system
- national information system
- navigation system
- NC contouring system
- NC machine system
- NC part-programming system
- NC system
- NC tooling system
- NC/TP system
- nesting system
- network computer system
- network switching system
- network system
- noise diagnostic system
- noncircular copy-turning system
- noncompensated system
- noncontact laser marking system
- noncontact microwave system
- nonexpert system
- non-NC system
- numerical computer control system
- numerical contour control system
- numerical control system
- numerically controlled tool point system
- object-oriented system
- office system
- office-based programming system
- off-line adviser-type expert system
- off-line programming system
- off-line system
- off-the-shelf system
- oil mist system
- oil scavenge system
- oil system
- oil wash system
- oil-recirculating system
- oligarchical manufacturing system
- OLP system
- one man/one machine system
- one man-one operation-one job system
- one-machine flexible system
- one-piece tape spar-measuring system
- one-shot lubrication system
- on-line information system
- on-line process system
- on-line retrieval system
- on-line system
- on-line tool control system
- on-machine gaging system
- on-machine probing system
- on-off control system
- open architecture system
- open cooling system
- open system
- open-front system
- open-loop control system
- operating system
- operational system
- operator guidance system
- operator-controlled NC system
- optical detection system
- optical laser ranging system
- optical MAP system
- optical measurement/inspection system
- optical recognition system
- optical system for laser processing
- optical tracer backup system
- optical transmission system
- opti-feed system
- optimal-position control system
- order-driven system
- order-entry system
- order-picking system
- oscillating system
- oscillatory system
- out-feed system
- output collecting system
- overall system
- p.-t.-p. NC system
- package confinement system
- paging system
- pallet conveyor system
- pallet gripper system
- pallet ID system
- pallet storage system
- pallet storage/changer system
- pallet/platen transfer system
- pallet/robot flexible-machining system
- pallet-based materials handling system
- pallet-based system
- pallet-changer system
- pallet-coding system
- pallet-handling system
- palletized tool magazine system
- pallet-loading system
- pallet-moving system
- pallet-shuttle change system
- pallet-transfer system
- pallet-transport system
- paperless NC system
- parallel force system
- parallel lubrication system
- parametric CNC system
- part flow system
- part handling-and-storage system
- part program-editing system
- part queue system
- part-conveying system
- partial laser system
- part-programming system
- part-retrieval system
- passively mode-locked laser system
- path control system of a machine
- path control system
- pattern recognition system
- pattern tracing system
- pattern-directed system
- PC system
- PC-based CAD system
- PC-based vision system
- pendant-mounted CNC system
- perceptual system
- permanent electro system
- personal computer-based robotic vision system
- phase switching control system
- photogrammetric vision system
- photooptic tracing system
- photooptical tracing system
- piece rate system
- plane system of forces
- planner-oriented system
- plant-integration system
- platen system
- platform-independent CAM system
- playback system
- plugboard control system
- plugboard programming system
- point-to-point system
- popular laser system
- position control system
- positioning control system
- postprocess inspection system
- postprocess system
- postprocess-feedback gaging system
- potentiometer-setting system
- power generating system
- power system
- powered clamping system
- powered track system
- powerful robot system
- precision positioning system
- predictive machinability system
- predictive maintenance system
- pre-emptive system
- pregaging system
- preload system
- preset tooling system
- presetting system
- prismatic flexible manufacturing system
- prismatic machining system
- probe communication system
- problem-oriented information system
- process planning system
- process-flexible system
- production control system
- production expert system
- production-monitoring system
- productions system
- product-testing system
- programmable automation system
- programmable control system
- programmable logic control system
- programmable power monitoring system
- programmed sequence control system
- programming system
- proof-of-concept system
- proprietary NC system
- propulsion system
- propulsive system
- protection system
- prototype system
- prototyping system
- pull system of production
- pull system
- punch tape NC system
- purpose-made materials feeding system
- push system
- qualitative system
- quality control system
- quality system
- quantity produced systems
- question-and-answer system
- question-answering system
- queuing system
- quick-change system
- quick-change workpiece-fixturing system
- quick-change-cutter system
- rack system
- rack-picking system
- rail-borne robotic handling system
- rail-guided transport system
- random mission system
- random mix system
- random order system
- ranging system
- readout system
- ready-to-go system
- real-time vision system
- recirculation system
- rectangular coordinate system
- rectangular triordinate system
- reeving system
- reference retrieval system
- reference system
- reflecting high-power beam optical system
- register system
- registration system
- relay ladder logic system
- reporting system
- reprographic system
- resolver system
- restraint system
- RETIC system
- retrieval system
- retrofit system
- return spring system
- RGV pallet delivery system
- rigid track workpiece transport system
- rigid transfer system
- robot control system
- robot gantry storage-and-retrieval system
- robot learning system
- robot parts-handling system
- robot system
- robot teaching system
- robot tool changing system
- robot-based turning system
- robotic system
- robotic vision system
- robotics CAD system
- robotized metalforming system
- robot-like inspection system
- robot-measuring system
- rod memory system
- roller system
- roll-generating system
- rotary transfer system
- rotary-type tool-mounting system
- rotational system
- routing-flexible system
- rule-based expert system
- running fail-safe system
- running system
- run-time system
- safety actuation system
- safety system
- scale back system
- seam tracking laser processing system
- seam-tracking system
- security system
- selective assembly system
- selective control system
- self-adapting system
- self-contained starting system
- self-contained system
- self-monitoring measuring system
- self-optimizing adaptive control system
- self-programming NC system
- self-teaching system
- self-test system
- sensing system
- sensor system
- sensor-based system
- sensory control system
- sensory feedback system
- sensory interactive system
- sensory-processing system
- sentence recognition system
- sequencing control system
- sequential control system
- series lubrication system
- service system
- servo control system
- servo drive system
- servo positioning system
- servo transducer system
- servo-controlled blade-feed-pressure system
- setting system
- SFP system
- shaft system
- shared tools system
- shopfloor communication message system
- shopfloor part-programming system
- shopfloor programming system
- shopfloor-programming control system
- short-closed oil system
- shuttle car system
- shuttle system
- shuttle-type container system
- side-loading pallet system
- sign system
- signature-analysis system
- silhouetting system
- single system
- single-board computer system
- single-cell system
- single-line lubrication system
- single-point lubrication system
- single-stage system
- single-tube system
- single-unit machining system
- single-variable system
- sinking system
- six-station pallet system
- size-monitoring system
- skidless system
- skid-type system
- small knowledge system
- small scale system
- small-batch manufacturing system
- sociotechnical system
- software-based system
- software-operating system
- solid model CAD system
- solid modeling system
- solids-based system
- sonic digitizing system
- space-monitoring sensor system
- special-purpose CNC system
- special-purpose material handling system
- speech-understanding system
- spindle airblast system
- spindle-probe system
- splash lubrication system
- split-type of tooling system
- spray lubrication system
- sprocket-chain system
- stabilization system
- stabilizing system
- stacking system
- stand-alone system
- standard control system
- standard unit system
- starting system
- statistical process control system
- steady-state system
- stepping motor drive system
- stocker system
- stocking system
- stop-bolt locking system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- storage-retrieval system
- straight cut control system
- straight-line control system
- stress calculations infinite element system
- structurally stable system
- structurally unstable system
- stub-tooth system
- subloop system
- supervision system
- supervisory computer control system
- supervisory control system
- surface-measurement system
- surveillance system
- suspension system
- swarf conveyance system
- swarf-management system
- swarf-removal system
- switching system
- synthetic vision system
- system of dimensioning
- system of forces
- system of limits and fits
- system of quantities
- system of the machine retaining devices
- system of units
- tactile sensing system
- tailored NC system
- tailor-made system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- teach system
- teachable-logic control system
- teaching system
- teach-mode programming system
- technology-intensive system
- telecommunication system
- telemetry gage system
- telemetry system
- teleoperated system
- telepresence system
- telerobotic system
- ten-station pallet system
- term system
- test system
- testing system
- text organizing system
- thermal control system
- thermal enclosure system
- thermal propulsion system
- thread measurement system
- thread measuring system
- three-dimensional CAM system
- three-dimensional coordinate system
- three-wire thread measuring system
- through feed system
- through-the-tool system
- time control system
- time cycle system
- time-shared system
- time-sharing NC programming system
- time-sharing system
- tool animation system
- tool breakage prevention system
- tool change system
- tool condition monitoring system
- tool coolant system
- tool deflection calibration system
- tool identification tag system
- tool life control system
- tool life management system
- tool magazine exchanger system
- tool management system
- tool position-compensating system
- tool shank cleaning system
- tool storage and transport system
- tool storage/management system
- tool-associated system
- tool-clamp system
- tool-holder-work system
- tool-ID system
- tooling AGV system
- tooling system
- tool-in-hand system
- tool-in-use system
- tool-machine system
- tool-monitoring system
- tool-mounting system
- tool-presetting system
- tool-probing system
- tool-to-turret connection system
- tool-transfer system
- torque-monitoring system
- total system
- total-loss lubrication system
- touch-probe digitizer system
- touch-probe digitizing system
- touch-probe system
- towline cart system
- towline conveyor system
- towline handling system
- towline material handling system
- towline transfer system
- tracer control system
- tracing system
- track system
- tracking/scheduling system
- track-monitoring system
- transfer system
- translating system
- transmission system
- transporter system
- traverse-metering system
- tray-type transfer system
- triangulation system
- tribomechanical system
- tri-level stocker system
- triordinate system
- trolley control system
- trouble-free control system
- T-slot system
- tuned system
- turning system
- turning-and-chucking system
- turnkey computer control system
- turnkey system
- turret probing system
- turret tooling system
- two-line lubrication system
- two-machine system
- two-pallet exchange system
- two-shift system
- two-tier inspection system
- unattended machining system
- unattended production system
- uncertain system
- unified system
- unit bore system
- unit system
- unit-build system
- unit-load automated storage and retrieval system
- unit-load system
- UNIX-based 32-bit computer system
- unmonitored control system
- unstable system
- user identification system
- user's CAD system
- V coding system
- vacuum system
- variable pallet system
- variable-coefficient system
- variable-gain ACC system
- variable-mission system
- versatile data acquisition system
- vertical carousel system
- vertical rotating warehouse system
- vibration system
- vibratory system
- video measuring system
- video-based measurement system
- viewing system
- virtual design system
- virtual storage system
- vision guidance system
- vision metrology system
- vision optical system
- vision sensor system
- vision system
- vision tool-presetting system
- vision-based inspection system
- vision-based system
- visual computing system
- visual inspection system
- VME-based system
- voice data entry system
- voice system
- voice-input system
- volume-flexible system
- volume-metric lubrication system
- voluntary standards system
- warehousing system
- warning protection system
- warning system
- wash system
- waste material treatment system
- watchdog system
- waterjet system
- way-lubrication system
- wedge-locked tool clamping system
- wheelhead-measuring system
- windowing system
- wire-cut system
- wire-frame CAD system
- wire-guided transport system
- wire-guided trolley routing system
- word recognition system
- work infeed system
- work transfer system
- work transport system
- workhandling system
- work-holding system
- workpiece-cleaning system
- workstation-oriented CNC system
- zero error position systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > system
14 array
1) решётка; (упорядоченный) массив; периодическая структура; матрица || формировать решётку или (упорядоченный) массив; образовывать периодическую структуру или матрицу3) вчт массив ( однотипных индексированных элементов)4) (прямоугольная) таблица ( элементов); матрица•- array of MOS capacitors
- array of open-ended waveguides
- array of vortices
- array with ECC
- array with parity
- array with rotating parity
- active antenna array - adjustable array
- advanced function array
- aerial array
- antenna array
- antidot array
- association array - bedspring array
- bidimensional array
- billboard array
- binomial array - bubble-domain array
- CCD array
- CCD logic array
- ceramic ball-grid array - channelless gate array
- Chebyshev array
- chip scale ball-grid array
- Chireix-Mesny array
- circular array
- circular grid array
- circular-loop array
- circular-waveguide array
- close spaced antenna array
- CML array
- CMOS transistor array
- coaxial-feed array
- coherent optical array
- collinear array
- column-grid array
- column-steered array
- concentric-ring array
- conformal array
- conformant arrays
- conical antenna array
- continuous linear antenna array
- cophasal array
- cophased array
- corporate-feed array
- correlation array
- Costas array
- Coulmer antenna array
- crosspoint array
- cubical antenna array
- curtain array
- curtain antenna array
- curved array
- cylindrical array
- cylindrical antenna array
- data array
- data processing array
- density-tapered array
- detector array - digital phased array
- diode array
- dipole array
- discrete array - disperse array
- Dolph-Chebyshev array
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
- dot array - dynamic array
- edge enhanced array
- electronically addressed matrix array
- electronically scanned array
- end-fed array
- end-fire array
- end-fire antenna array
- equal-amplitude antenna array
- equally spaced array - feedthrough array - fir-tree array
- fixed-beam array
- flat array
- flexible array
- four-bay array
- four-over-four array
- four-stacked array
- fractal array
- Franklin array
- frequency-controlled array
- frequency-multiplexed array
- frequency-scanned array
- functional array
- fuse-programmable logic array - geometrically addressed matrix array
- glide-slope array
- grating array
- grating-lobe array
- green array
- half-wave spaced array
- helical antenna array
- hemispherically scanned array
- hexagonal antenna array
- hexagonal bubble array - homogeneous antenna array
- horn antenna array
- hydrophone array
- image-storage array
- imaging array
- immutable array
- infrared-detector array
- integer-indexed array
- integrated array
- integrated-curcuit array
- integrating array
- interlaced stacked rhombic array
- ion-implanted array
- isosceles triangular lattice array
- iterative array
- Janus antenna array
- Koomans array
- large aperture array - large-scale integration/discretionary routed-array - linear tapered array
- logic array - log-periodic folded-monopole array
- log-periodic folded-slot array
- longitudinal-slot array
- low-sidelobe array
- magnetic-dot array
- magnetostatic-wave reflecting array
- Marconi-Franklin antenna array
- mask-programmable logic array
- matrix-fed array
- mattress array
- mechanically-scanned array
- memory array
- micro ball-grid array
- micromirror array
- microstrip array
- microvia array
- microvia-based array
- microwave array
- mirrored array
- modulator array
- monopole array
- monopulse array
- MOS array
- multibeam array
- multichip array
- multielement array
- multielement detector array
- multirate systolic array
- mutable array
- N-dimensional array
- nonrectangular array
- nonredundant array
- nonuniformly spaced array
- null-steering array
- oblique triangular lattice array
- one-dimensional array
- optical gate array
- optically fed array - parallel array
- parallel-fed array
- parallel-fed antenna array
- parallel stripe array
- parametric array
- parasitic array
- passive array
- phase array
- phased array
- phase-scanned array
- photodetector array
- photovoltaic solar array
- pin-grid array
- pine-tree array
- planar array
- plastic ball-grid array - pointer array
- point-source array
- processing array - ragged array
- RAID array
- RAID tape array
- random array
- receiving array
- rectangular antenna array
- rectangular grid array
- red array
- redirective array
- redundant arrays of inexpensive disks
- reflector array
- retrodirective array
- ridge-waveguide array
- right triangular lattice array
- ring array
- roll-out solar array
- row-and-column steered array
- row-steered array
- scanned array
- self-phased array
- self-scanned array
- self-steering array
- series-fed array
- shaped Fourier plane photodetector array
- shunt-slot array
- silicon solar array
- slot array
- slotted-waveguide array
- slotted-waveguide antenna array array
- solar array
- solar-cell array
- space fed array
- space-regular array
- space-tapered array
- sparse array
- spherical antenna array
- square lattice bubble array
- SRAM-based field-programmable gate array
- stacked array
- stepped-scanned array
- Sterba antenna array
- Sterba-curtain array
- storage logic array
- stripline array - superdirectional array
- superdirective array
- supergain array
- supergain antenna array
- switched array
- systolic array - thermally addressed matrix array
- thin-film solar array
- thinned array
- three-dimensional array
- tier array
- time-sampled array
- transducer array
- transmissive array
- transmitting array
- traveling-wave array
- traveling-wave antenna array
- triangular array
- triangular grid array
- twin-bay array
- twistor array
- two-dimensional array - unidirectional couplet antenna array
- uniform antenna array
- uniformly spaced array
- universal logic array
- Van Atta array - VLSI array
- wavefront array
- waveguide array
- waveguide slot array
- waveguide slot antenna array -
15 array
1) решётка; (упорядоченный) массив; периодическая структура; матрица || формировать решётку или (упорядоченный) массив; образовывать периодическую структуру или матрицу3) вчт. массив ( однотипных индексированных элементов)4) (прямоугольная) таблица ( элементов); матрица•- active Van Atta array
- adaptive array
- adjustable array
- advanced function array
- aerial array
- antenna array
- antidot array
- array of cores
- array of MOS capacitors
- array of open-ended waveguides
- array of vortices
- array with ECC
- array with parity
- array with rotating parity
- association array
- ball-grid array
- beam-scanning array
- bedspring array
- bidimensional array
- billboard array
- binomial array
- board on chip ball grid array
- broadside array
- bubble-domain array
- CCD array
- CCD logic array
- ceramic ball-grid array
- ceramic pin-grid array
- channeled gate array
- channelless gate array
- Chebyshev array
- chip scale ball-grid array
- Chireix-Mesny array
- circular array
- circular grid array
- circular-loop array
- circular-waveguide array
- close spaced antenna array
- CML array
- CMOS transistor array
- coaxial-feed array
- coherent optical array
- collinear array
- column-grid array
- column-steered array
- concentric-ring array
- conformal array
- conformant arrays
- conical antenna array
- continuous linear antenna array
- cophasal array
- cophased array
- corporate-feed array
- correlation array
- Costas array
- Coulmer antenna array
- crosspoint array
- cubical antenna array
- curtain antenna array
- curtain array
- curved array
- cylindrical antenna array
- cylindrical array
- data array
- data processing array
- density-tapered array
- detector array
- die dimension ball-grid array
- dielectric covered array
- digital phased array
- diode array
- dipole array
- discrete array
- discretionary-routed array
- dislocation array
- disperse array
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
- Dolph-Chebyshev array
- dot array
- double roll-out array
- driven array
- dynamic array
- edge enhanced array
- electronically addressed matrix array
- electronically scanned array
- end-fed array
- end-fire antenna array
- end-fire array
- equal-amplitude antenna array
- equally spaced array
- extended graphics array
- feed array
- feedthrough array
- field-programmable analog array
- field-programmable gate array
- field-programmable logic array
- fine-pitch land-grid array
- finite array
- fir-tree array
- fixed-beam array
- flat array
- flexible array
- four-bay array
- four-over-four array
- four-stacked array
- fractal array
- Franklin array
- frequency-controlled array
- frequency-multiplexed array
- frequency-scanned array
- functional array
- fuse-programmable logic array
- fusible-link logic array
- gate array
- geometrically addressed matrix array
- glide-slope array
- grating array
- grating-lobe array
- green array
- half-wave spaced array
- helical antenna array
- hemispherically scanned array
- hexagonal antenna array
- hexagonal bubble array
- high thermal plastic-ball grid array
- hologram array
- homogeneous antenna array
- horn antenna array
- hydrophone array
- image-storage array
- imaging array
- immutable array
- infrared-detector array
- integer-indexed array
- integrated array
- integrated-circuit array
- integrating array
- interlaced stacked rhombic array
- ion-implanted array
- isosceles triangular lattice array
- iterative array
- Janus antenna array
- Koomans array
- large aperture array
- large aperture seismic array
- large-scale integration array
- large-scale integration/discretionary routed array
- light-emitting-diode array
- linear array
- linear tapered array
- logic array
- log-periodic dipole array
- log-periodic folded-dipole array
- log-periodic folded-monopole array
- log-periodic folded-slot array
- longitudinal-slot array
- low-sidelobe array
- magnetic-dot array
- magnetostatic-wave reflecting array
- Marconi-Franklin antenna array
- mask-programmable logic array
- matrix-fed array
- mattress array
- mechanically-scanned array
- memory array
- micro ball-grid array
- micromirror array
- microstrip array
- microvia array
- microvia-based array
- microwave array
- mirrored array
- modulator array
- monopole array
- monopulse array
- MOS array
- multibeam array
- multichip array
- multielement array
- multielement detector array
- multirate systolic array
- mutable array
- N-dimensional array
- nonrectangular array
- nonredundant array
- nonuniformly spaced array
- null-steering array
- oblique triangular lattice array
- one-dimensional array
- optical gate array
- optically fed array
- organic land-grid array
- pad-grid array
- parallel array
- parallel stripe array
- parallel-fed antenna array
- parallel-fed array
- parametric array
- parasitic array
- passive array
- phase array
- phased array
- phase-scanned array
- photodetector array
- photovoltaic solar array
- pine-tree array
- pin-grid array
- planar array
- plastic ball-grid array
- plastic land-grid array
- plastic pin-grid array
- p-n-junction array
- pointer array
- point-source array
- processing array
- programmable logic array
- radar array
- ragged array
- RAID array
- RAID tape array
- random array
- receiving array
- rectangular antenna array
- rectangular grid array
- red array
- redirective array
- redundant arrays of inexpensive disks
- reflector array
- retrodirective array
- ridge-waveguide array
- right triangular lattice array
- ring array
- roll-out solar array
- row-and-column steered array
- row-steered array
- scanned array
- self-phased array
- self-scanned array
- self-steering array
- series-fed array
- shaped Fourier plane photodetector array
- shunt-slot array
- silicon solar array
- slot array
- slotted-waveguide antenna array
- slotted-waveguide array
- solar array
- solar-cell array
- space fed array
- space-regular array
- space-tapered array
- sparse array
- spherical antenna array
- square lattice bubble array
- SRAM-based field-programmable gate array
- stacked array
- stepped-scanned array
- Sterba antenna array
- Sterba-curtain array
- storage logic array
- stripline array
- super extended graphics array
- super video graphics array
- superconducting array
- superdirectional array
- superdirective array
- supergain antenna array
- supergain array
- switched array
- systolic array
- tape-ball grid array
- tapered array
- thermally addressed matrix array
- thin-film solar array
- thinned array
- three-dimensional array
- tier array
- time-sampled array
- transducer array
- transmissive array
- transmitting array
- traveling-wave antenna array
- traveling-wave array
- triangular array
- triangular grid array
- twin-bay array
- twistor array
- two-dimensional array
- ultra extended graphics array
- uncommitted logic array
- unidirectional couplet antenna array
- uniform antenna array
- uniformly spaced array
- universal logic array
- Van Atta array
- very large array
- video graphics array
- VLSI array
- wavefront array
- waveguide array
- waveguide slot antenna array
- waveguide slot arrayThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > array
16 converter
(англ. convertor)1) конверторпрограмма или устройство, преобразующее данные из одной формы в другую, эквивалентную первойсм. тж. transducerАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > converter
См. также в других словарях:
Comparison of analog and digital recording — This article compares the two ways in which sound is recorded and stored. Actual sound waves consist of continuous variations in air pressure. Representations of these signals can be recorded using either digital or analog techniques. An analog… … Wikipedia
Digital audio — Digital music redirects here. For a kind of modern music composed by digital means, see electronic music. A sound wave, in gray, represented digitally, in red (after quantization and zero order hold). Digital audio is sound reproduction using… … Wikipedia
Analog signal — An analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, i.e analogous to another time varying signal. It differs from a digital… … Wikipedia
Digital panel meter — Digital panel meters are used to display an input signal, and measure current, voltage, and frequency. They are equipped with bright LED displays for display only or set point control options. Many panel meters also include alarm options as well … Wikipedia
Analog — or analogueref|cwe may refer to: * (1): Analog signal, a variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude (as opposed to digital or discrete, e.g. analog wristwatch vs digital wristwatch) **Analog circuits, circuits which use analog signals… … Wikipedia
Transducer — Ein Sensor (von lateinisch sentire, dt. „fühlen“ oder „empfinden“), (Messgrößen )Aufnehmer oder (Mess )Fühler ist ein technisches Bauteil, das bestimmte physikalische oder chemische Eigenschaften (z. B.: Wärmestrahlung, Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Smart transducer — As sensors and actuators become more complex they provide support for various modes of operation and interfacing. Some applications require additionally Fault tolerance and Distributed computing. Such high level functionality can be achieved by… … Wikipedia
Microphone — For the indie film, see Microphone (film). Microphones redirects here. For the indie band, see The Microphones. A … Wikipedia
Guitar effects — are electronic devices that modify the tone, pitch, or sound of an electric guitar, or condition or reroute the signal in some fashion. Effects can be housed in small effects pedals ( stomp boxes ), guitar amplifiers, guitar amplifier simulation… … Wikipedia
Data acquisition — is the process of sampling signals that measure real world physical conditions and converting the resulting samples into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer. Data acquisition systems (abbreviated with the acronym DAS or… … Wikipedia
Bernard Marshall Gordon — (born in 1927), American inventor and philanthropist, is generally called Bernie rather than Mr. Gordon by associates and subordinates. [As of January, 2007, the book of Bernie s earthly life is still open. Consequently there are no scholarly… … Wikipedia